Thursday, July 16, 2020

Baba L'Salaam - New Album mixed by Plake 64

Baba L'Salaam is a spiritual warrior in Baltimore MD. He has invented the holy "Halikta Dar" aka Glorious Machine, a vibrational instrument that functions on multiple planes of reality at all times. He is particularly adept with meditation and the principles of martial arts. He is descended from ancient masters in the East, particularly Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.

BABA L'SALAAM plays the abujaphone, clarinet, multi-dimensional percussion and voice, grace-waves of compassion and healing, both peaceful and wrathful, in the form of voice and song.

shout out to Ras Chris, Sa Ank Djed, Orlando Johnson, Abu the Flutemaker, and many more- as well as all the ancestors may they help us heal the planet by any means

featuring Gerald Majer on saxophone

Alex Homan on electric guitar

additional samples by Dave Bergander

Recorded and mixdown at 7th Haven Stronghold of the Vajra Sound waverly baltimore MD in Jan 2020

Produced by Alexander K.S.P. Homan

dedicated for the benefit of all sentient beings

whether you are christian, muslim, jewish, yeruba, buddhist, hindu, rasta, whatever religion you may be, it is love that unites us, we can build a new earth if we are all focused on the same thing- love that extends beyond ourselves. may all beings benefit from experiencing the work of Baba L'Salaam !!!

Thursday, July 9, 2020

introducing... the Dharma Sound Series

Over the last several year or so, I have been going deeper into my meditation practice.  As a result, my spiritual path has been illuminated by a karmic connection with Zhepa Dorje Milarepa, and I have have officially taken refuge under my root lama His Eminence Garchen Triptul Rinpoche of the Drikung Kagyu order of Tibetan Buddhism.  The following collections of music are devotional mandala offerings of sound and music to the Three Jewels, my source of refuge and practice.  These collections will eventually be released on a double cassette album entitled "The Mandala".   May all beings benefit!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2020


Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Shrymprovisations Vol 2

Presenting.... VOLUME 2!!!

the following shrymps can be heard on this tape:
jenny moon tucker
pony payroll bones
dan conrad
eric franklin
april camlin
gowl cien
lucas rambo
dave heumann
dave bergander
ben starkey
Baba L'Salaam
gerald majer
suzie doogan
wax philips
isabella pitman
delaware dan
zoie reamer
christy rambo
paco cathcart
corey thuro
jake urtes
yerb age bara ka
alex homan